DotEx Courier

International Products and Services

Courier & Logistics services across India. Along with the progress of domestic services,Today, our dynamic range of products/services makes us one of the preferred service providers in the international space for both inbound and outbound movement of shipments.

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International Document Courier Services is expedited air courier services, designed to deliver time-sensitive documents worldwide. International non document courier services is air parcel services, designed to deliver parcels worldwide via a swift customs clearance channel at the origin and destination countries.

Cargo Services Door to Door (Courier / Economy Services) is the movement of large commercial shipments either on Courier or economy mode from origin door to destination door. Door to Airport (Courier / Deferred Services) is the movement of large commercial shipments either on courier or economy mode from origin door to destination airport. Airport to Airport (Courier / Deferred Services) is the movement of large commercial shipments from origin airport to destination airport.